Posted by globalgoodfund on Aug 30, 2017

A law school graduate, world traveler, corporate attorney making well over six figures – Jason Panda had accomplished many things in life that would classify him as “successful.” But something was missing. After a sleepless night in his New York City office, Jason realized that in order to truly be fulfilled, he needed to pursue a career that would connect him with the community and allow for something greater than himself. 

B condoms was born out of a conversation between Jason and his mother, who ran a detox and transitional care facility which helped people addicted to alcohol, cocaine and heroin get clean. As CEO and co-founder of the social enterprise, Jason recognized the immense need for a movement that seeks to change the effect of HIV/AIDS in urban communities across the globe.

Jason and business partner, Ashanti Johnson, invested $50,000 of their own money, along with contributions from family and friends, into b condoms. The FDA-approved condom brand officially launched on World AIDS Day, December 1, of 2010. Since its inception, b condoms has been focused around three core principles:

– Our Mission – we seek to change the trajectory of HIV and AIDS in the most at-risk communities.

– Our Community Partnerships – we partner with organizations that work to create change on the ground.

– Our Reinvestment Platform – we reinvest a substantial portion of our profits into organizations that combat HIV and AIDS rates in the most at-risk communities.

Below we get more personal with a Jason Panda.

Q: What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in building your social enterprise?

A: Understanding the best ways to scale the company and who our early adopters would be.

Q: What has been your favorite age in life and why?

A: Age 27. The world was my oyster. I spent 8 months traveling around the world solo. I had the opportunity to visit more than 10 countries during that time.

Q: How do you hope to see b condoms grow five years down the road?

A: I plan to further consolidate government distribution and then challenge larger brands in the retail space.

Q: If GGF could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?

A: Perfect health for myself and family, numbers to the 700 million dollar Powerball and the ability to read minds and influence thoughts!

Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: If you knock at the door long enough, it has to open.