Posted by globalgoodfund on Sep 22, 2017

Summaiya Afreen is the proud daughter of a man who brought up his children in an environment of freedom and self-respect. His strong sense of focus and ability to act with dignity influenced the way Summaiya carried herself through life.

Toward the end of college, Summaiya watched as her peers surrendered to their destinies; boys accepted trivial jobs and girls began to prepare their mindset for marriage. Summaiya, however, knew there was more to be accomplished.

During this time, she met motivational speaker, Rahul Goswami, whose workshops encouraged her to dream without limitation. Rahul came from a troubled family background as a victim of domestic violence and abandonment. Although their pasts were vastly different, Summaiya and Rahul co-founded Lakshya Jeevan Jagriti, with the same vision of leaving the world a better place than they found it.

Lakshya Jeevan Jagriti (awakening the aim of life) is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering women and youth through skill-based training and education. The organization’s first successful program, Aao Saath Maa, was launched as an initiative that provides a platform of digital literacy to mothers from all different walks of life. Since its inception in 2009, over 6,000 women have benefited from the year-long program.

Below, we take a deeper dive into the mind of this inspiring, beautiful philanthropist and social entrepreneur: 

Q:  Describe a defining or “aha” moment in your career.

A:  The biggest aha moment was my selection in Global good Fund. It gave me an amazing exposure and opportunity to grow as a leader. I have invested on my leadership skills and it got reflected in my work.

Q: Where do you see Lakshya Jeevan Jagriti five years from now?

A: I want to grow across India and touch every marginalized woman and girl and make them independent and fearless.

Q: If GGF could grant you three wishes, what would they be?

A: Access to every place in the world where I can make a different, great health and to call me as a speaker next year 

Q: What is something everyone should do at least once in their lives?

A: Travel alone. The best way to know yourself. 

Q: Why is making the world a better place important to you?

A: Because I am part of this world no matter how tiny or small. Every small thing I do can make a difference.