Posted by globalgoodfund on Feb 20, 2018

I touched down in Colombia on Tuesday, 1/23 – the country I’d be calling home for the next month. The decision to embark on this journey was sparked by a desire to completely immerse myself and my children into new cultures. 
With my husband, 2.5-year-old and 7-month-old in tow, the first thing that struck me while deplaning was the kindness and generosity of the airline staff. They were so warm and welcoming, personally delivering our luggage and stroller. This leg of the trip, a week-long family vacation, was spent in Cartagena, a port city on Colombia’s Caribbean Coast. It was hot and sunny, very different from the winter I had escaped back in Washington, DC. No complaints here.

We were greeted by the kid’s caregiver upon arrival at the rental apartment. I knew everything was going to be great once I saw the large bowl of exotic fresh fruit waiting for us. We exchanged hugs, and she later explained how pleasantly surprised she was by my warm demeanor- originally expecting an uptight American. 

These first few days were spent in full relaxation mode, disconnected from all things work. We explored, spent time at the beach, went grocery shopping with Manolo and truly just enjoyed this adventure together as a family. 

More to come!
