Posted by globalgoodfund on Jun 04, 2018

It’s an exciting month here at The Global Good Fund as we celebrate the graduation of our 2017 Fellows. This brilliant group of 15 social innovators are spreading global good throughout their communities in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and the U.S. From programs empowering people with disabilities in the Phillippines, to sustainable and afforable farming initivates around Washington, D.C, to the use of technology and AI to improve care for young stroke victims, the 2017 Global Good Fund Fellows are leveraging the leadership skills and business insights they received during their fellowship to create a better tomorrow. 

Read testimonials about how The Global Good Fund Fellowship Program ingnited new skills and learnings within our Fellows:

Andrea Escobar-Hoyos I Founder of SoyDoy I 2017 Alumni

Q: What [3] words would you use to describe your Global Good Fund Fellowship experience?

Motivation, Challenge, Blessing

Q: What have you learned about yourself through your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I saw in my colleagues many skills and abilities that I also have and that I want to develop more in me. Everyday, my fellowship reminds me that the sky is the limit. 

Q: In what ways did your Global Good Fund Fellowship allow you to scale your business?

With the tools I have received from the fellowship, I have been able to apply more and better knowledge in my business, making a more orderly business model, with an established projection – planning and applying the knowledge and examples of the organizations that I have known through the other fellows. 

Tom MacDougall I Founder of 4P Foods I 2017 DDSF Alumni

Q: What [3] words would you use to describe your Global Good Fund Fellowship experience?

Transformative, Uplifting, Empowering 

Q: What have you learned about yourself through your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

That I’m not alone – there’s an entire community of people who share similar beliefs and values about the future of business. I realize, in hindsight, that I was shying away from the identity of being a “social” entrepreneuer, but now, I own it. 

Q: Any stories or memorable moments from your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I went to Butan because of this Fellowship to learn about and study their model of Gross National Happiness. It was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience that would not have happened without GGF. 

Samir Goel I Founder of Transfernation I 2017 Alumni

Q: What [3] words would you use to describe your Global Good Fund Fellowship experience?

Dynamic, Collborative, Enriching

Q: What have you learned about yourself through your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I learned that I don’t hold myself to the same rigor when building my personal life as I do my professional life. I learned I need to prioitize self-growth and enrichment as much as business growth. This has led me to improve my work-life balance, develop new skills, and able me to move the frontiers of our business futher. 

Q: Any stories or memorable moments from your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

In 2017 when I was Dunblin-based, I spent a wekeend with Zak Kaufman (GGF Alum) and his wife in Geneva, hiking the alps and talking all things personal, professional and social entrepreneruship. That same year, I’d regularly visit Baillie Aaron (GGF Alum) in London where we kept a standing “London Food Tour” and helped each other think through our enterprise. 

Cynthia Ndubuisi Mene I Founder of Inspire Africa I 2017 Alumni

Q: What [3] words would you use to describe your Global Good Fund Fellowship experience?

Remarkable, Fulfilling, Caring

Q: What have you learned about yourself through your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I discovered a more daring and committed leader in me. Not until 2017, when I joined Global Good Fund, that I realized there should be no limit to my thinking and how far my organization can grow. I saw this play out successfully with the help of my GGF coach as I decided to take on bigger challenges to grow my organization’s impact. I was inspired by Carrie Rich.

Q: Any stories or memorable moments from your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I had the opportunity to join the John C. Maxwell Team and become a certified coach, speaker, and trainer of the John Maxwell Team (Recognized as the number #1 leadership and management expert in the world and New York best-selling author).

Lily Yeh I Founder of Little Loving Hands I 2017 Alumni

Q: What [3] words would you use to describe your Global Good Fund Fellowship experience?

Inspiring, Eye-Opening, Reflections

Q: What have you learned about yourself through your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

I find that I can do a lot alone, but I depend on others an their energy to drive another level of motivation. 

Q: Any stories or memorable moments from your Global Good Fund Fellowship?

One of my most memorable moments was at the very beggining of the 2017 Summit, before I knew exactly who Carrie Rich was. Once I heard her speak about her story and personal journey, it was truly inspiring and made me understand the the core meaning and motivation of GGF.