Posted by globalgoodfund on Sep 19, 2018

This trip meant the world to me and I cherished every moment. It’s incredibly rare to be able to put a pause on everything going on and spend three days surrounded by such an exceptional group of people. I found the experience to be revitalizing, inspiring, and just epic. From trekking through mountains to guided mediations to making fondue to long drives, I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend with a better group of people. I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude to everyone who participated and co-created such a fulfilling experience. 


– Going to the top of the Shilterhorn and seeing one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world

– Cooking group meals ranging from PB&Js to Fondue to Frittata

– Turning the kitchen into a dance floor Saturday night

– Choreographing a dance to Drake’s In My Feelings with Phil, Kevin, and Abbey

– Doing my first headspace meditation

– Getting Gruyere cheese in Gruyere

– Long car rides filled with never ending conversations about everything and anything (although my legs were glad to be done with those…)

More than anything I am grateful for the one-on-one moments I had with each person on the trip to go beyond the surface level, learn, share stories, and strengthen our relationships.

Opportunities like this serve as moments to reflect and rediscover for me. Breaking out of the daily routine allows me to reset and maintain practices I value while creating time and space to incorporate new habits and interests. For instance, this trip reminded me how much I love to hike and explore nature, dance, experience new cultures, organize potlucks, read, etc. Those are not things that I always make time for, and this experience reminded me how important it is to make time for those things. 

GGF is family to me. Which is a huge kudos to the selection process, because this community elevates and inspires me everyday. Not just by the virtue of professional accomplishments, but more importantly because of the people they are and what they stand for. I wouldn’t trade my GGF experience for the world.  It has enabled me to grow as a person and leader while helping me build some of the most important relationships in my life. We are in it together and I am fortunate to have a community like GGF I can count on. 

Zak and I did a similar weekend trip in the fall of 2017… which was a trial of this ‘trial’ ha. At that time, I honestly didn’t think we could top that experience as it was one of the best weekends I had while living in Europe. Somehow this experience managed to do that. Thanks Zak & Elise for hosting us and being arguably the best planners in the world. Thank you also to Carrie, Manolo, Abbey, Phil, Noah, Kevin  I., Kevin K., and Kiron for making it such a memorable weekend.