Posted by globalgoodfund on Sep 19, 2019

The Sustainable Development Goals, set forth by the United Nations, are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, health, gender equality and climate. These Goals interconnect, and it’s important to achieve each one over the next 10 years.

17 Sustainable Development Goals:

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Partnerships

We’re thrilled to support a network of global entrepreneurs working to solve ALL of The Sustainable Development Goals in over 100 different ways. Cheers to a better world for our children, our children’s children and all generations to come!