Posted by globalgoodfund on Nov 21, 2019

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y + the United Nations Foundation, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform communities and the world.

We ran our first Giving Tuesday campaign, coined #DonateSmall, three years ago, to showcase how a little bit of money has the power to go a long way. While the world has BIG problems, small donations empower our network of innovators to make a BIGGER difference. From healthcare to poverty, equality to education, we invest in social entrepreneurs solving ALL of society’s most pressing issues.

For the first time ever, we’ve partnered with a mission-aligned company to elevate our fundraising efforts for #DonateSmall 2019. SeeLevel HX is a mystery shopping agency and market research services provider. SeeLevel HX is female-founded, and comprised of a network of entrepreneurs – sound familiar?

“As an entrepreneur myself, I am pleased to partner with a woman-led organization that supports other entrepreneurs. The Global Good Fund supports many different lines of work, so you don’t have to limit the causes to which you give back. Carrie and her team help spread the “win” across several categories – females, veterans, and all social causes alike.” 

-Lisa van Kesteren, Founder SeeLevel HX

SeeLevel HX has a network of ~800,000 mystery shoppers who are passionate about doing good this holiday season. We thought: what if 800,000 people donated $0.50, $1, $5? Imagine the collective impact.

“It’s really neat to see SeeLevel HX engaging its team to deliver social impact globally. This is a new model of partnership for GGF, and I’m thrilled to join forces with a company dedicated to our shared values.”

-Carrie Rich, CEO and Co-Founder The Global Good Fund

We aim to raise $20,000 by December 3rd through #DonateSmall, and wholeheartedly believe in the power of this partnership to reach our goal!

Help us keep the momentum going – DONATE NOW!