Posted by globalgoodfund on Mar 27, 2020

What unimaginable times. Like you, our entrepreneurs are navigating new realities and working tirelessly to adjust to this new normal while increasing their impact. Things are not business as usual at The Global Good Fund – we, too, are adapting to fulfill our mission of growing leaders.

Last week, we surveyed our 100+ alumni and 27 current fellows to better understand how this pandemic is impacting their work. 100% responded that they are in desperate need of advice on how to manage a crisis, and 87% noted that running out of cash is their biggest concern. Here are  three initiatives  we’ve implemented to support our fellows and alumni, and we’re asking for your help. As a global community, we will only succeed when we succeed together. Join us in ensuring our entrepreneurs’ businesses survive today, so they can thrive tomorrow. 

Immediate deployment of capital

Instead of releasing the $10,000 grant allocated for fellow use on leadership development over four quarterly installments, we have committed to make available $270,000 to all 27 fellows immediately, and are allowing them to spend that money on their businesses. Leaders must have something to lead, and we are proud to help our fellows cover their businesses’ rent, salaries and crisis planning. 

Free Crisis Management Training

We’re creating courses delivered over webinars which will be published and recorded for our entrepreneurs. Our robust network of business mentors, executive coaches and partners enables us to develop and distribute relevant content from experts in various fields. A trademark of the Global Good Fund brand is the training and coaching we provide our fellows, and this specialty is more important than ever.

NEW Survive and Thrive Fund

Special times call for special measures. While public health concerns make it impossible for us to host an in-person gala this year, we know how important it is to gather community, share progress, and inspire each other. This year, we are launching a special initiative aimed at raising capital for our network of alumni to compliment the $270,000 we are deploying immediately to our fellows. We are seeking matching funds that we will deploy this spring so that our alumni can keep their businesses afloat and, long-term, thriving. In honor of those who help us achieve this goal, we will host a Survive and Thrive Virtual Event on Thursday, May 13th from 5:30-6pm ET, where we will share the remarkable stories of our entrepreneurs who are bringing innovative solutions to the coronavirus crisis. We hope you’ll donate to this new fund and join us for the virtual event.