A Second Anonymous Gift

Posted by globalgoodfund on Aug 30, 2022

Nearly ten years ago, an anonymous donor gave a transformational gift that helped establish The Global Good Fund. I remember pinching myself in near disbelief, having dreamed of the day when someone would hand me a million-dollar check.  I never imagined that it’d happen to me as a 26-year-old, and I certainly did not anticipate how hard it would be to turn a one-time philanthropic gift into a scalable, sustainable social enterprise.

Here we are, nearly one decade later, having just received The Global Good Fund’s second major anonymous gift. I am pinching myself again.

If you ever questioned whether strangers could do wonderful things to make the world a better place, do not question further! So often I witness people who hold themselves back because they don’t believe in themselves and their abilities. I’ve learned over time to believe in myself. What’s been even more incredible for me is to believe in the power of others, especially when we work together. That is the premise of The Global Good Fund and the very reason why we exist: to accelerate the leadership development of social entrepreneurs.

This anonymous gift enables The Global Good Fund to support the leadership development of an additional ten social entrepreneurs from around the world each year for the next three years (a total of thirty social entrepreneurs). These inspiring social entrepreneurs will complete the 12-month Global Good Fund Fellowship program that includes leadership assessment, executive coaching, business mentoring, and attendance at the annual Global Good Fund Summit and Gala.

Over the next three years, this anonymous gift also enables The Global Good Fund to support ten additional nonprofit leaders as well as five social entrepreneurs who are black and brown leaders.

Finally, this anonymous grant enables The Global Good Fund to invest in our alumni network in ways that were previously out of financial reach. The past three years presented many challenges due to COVID, one of which was the inability to gather in person as a global community. We are excited to host our annual Summit again and are grateful to bring together more Global Good Fund Fellow alumni, especially those who require scholarships to attend. We are also excited to host our first ever “Family Reunion.”

The year 2023 reflects The Global Good Fund’s ten-year anniversary, and we aim to celebrate by bringing together our community in a way that’s truly special and meaningful. In years past, we’ve hosted small gatherings around the world that include Global Good Fund Fellows, alumni, and team members. In celebration of our ten-year anniversary, we aim to host a 100-person event for Global Good Fund entrepreneurs including Fellows, alumni, Global Good Fund colleagues, and Global Good Fund supporters in our ever-growing community. This convening is a collaborative summit uniquely designed to help our entrepreneurs forge alliances and advance social impact. We anticipate the location of this meeting to be held globally in the fall of 2023. Please let us know if you have interest in attending and sponsoring! (email me: carrie.rich@globalgoodfund.org)

Receiving an anonymous philanthropic gift gives us the power and the responsibility to help others. It is both a ton of work and a sincere privilege to wake up every day dedicated to supporting high potential leaders to dream more, learn more, and do more to build a world filled with global good. Cheers to the adventure of a lifetime!

This three-year $2,250,000 gift is contingent on raising a minimum of $350,000 in matching funds.  Will you help The Global Good Fund by contributing to our $350,000 fundraising goal, which we are hoping to complete by the end of this year?