Qlik “Women In Technology” Group Sponsors 2023 Fellow Phyllis Kyomuhendo

Posted by globalgoodfund on Sep 20, 2023

“So many women are actually dying, due to conditions that can be scanned on ultrasound and managed early, and it was very sobering for me to find out that what I was learning [in my graduate studies] was actually useless to majority of my country people.” 

— Phyllis Kyomuhendo, Co-founder and Director, MSCAN, 2023 GGF Fellow

“Qlik Women in Technology” recently hosted a captivating spotlight talk featuring Phyllis Kyomuhendo, whose company, MSCAN, developed life-saving, low-cost, energy-efficient, and portable mobile ultrasound devices for pregnant women in underserved, remote areas. Despite many challenges along the way, MSCAN has persisted. Phyllis explained: 

“I am glad and proud to say that because we did not give up….we stuck to our why. Because we stuck to the vision that we had, and we channeled the energy from the problem that we had found in our country. We managed to succeed…MSCAN is now In about six countries. We have scanned over 7,000 women and detected over 600 complications.”

Phyllis’s innovative approach to healthcare technology is truly inspiring, and it resonated with the more than 50 Qlik team members. Her dedication to bridging healthcare gaps in low-resource regions demonstrates the power of technology and women leaders in driving positive change. She shared, “We are glad to receive support from Qlik and The Global Good Fund — other people who believe in our why and believe in the journey that we are taking.”