Introducing Threads of Change

Posted by globalgoodfund on Feb 06, 2024

We are delighted to introduce you to “Threads of Change,” a transformative campaign at the heart of The Global Good Fund’s mission to create a positive impact on a global scale. Drawing inspiration from our founding story, where a simple act of kindness led to the birth of a multi-million-dollar social enterprise, this initiative underscores the belief that small threads of positive actions, akin to threads in a tapestry, can weave together to create substantial, positive change.

Threads of Change focuses on supporting social entrepreneurs through The Global Good Fund Fellowship program. Exemplified by individuals like Tafadzwa Ronald, our Fellows are dedicated to breaking cycles of poverty and addressing critical issues, such as limited access in the agricultural sector. The campaign aims to highlight the significance of leadership development and mentorship in driving lasting, equitable social change. We provide a platform for emerging leaders to connect with seasoned executives, receive mentorship, and access financial capital to catalyze their social initiatives.

Moreover, Threads of Change is more than a campaign; it’s a call to build a collaborative community. We seek to bring together individuals who share a commitment to entrepreneurship, leadership development, and creating a more equitable world. Collaboration is encouraged as part of the solution, contributing to a future where positive change thrives.

Why is Threads of Change important? It’s about the transformative power of small actions and contributions, demonstrating that even seemingly modest efforts can lead to substantial positive outcomes. By supporting social entrepreneurs focused on sustainability, education, health, and critical areas, the campaign contributes to creating a more sustainable and just future. Through the Fellowship program, we empower emerging leaders to drive change globally, fostering a network committed to positive social impact.

Threads of Change establishes a community of individuals bound by shared values, collaborating to make a collective impact on a global scale. Together, we address pressing social challenges, providing a platform for social entrepreneurs to receive support, guidance, and financial resources, contributing to sustainable development and positive change in communities worldwide.


As a valued member of our community, we invite you to be an integral part of this transformative movement. Below are three ways you can make a meaningful impact.

1.  Support our Cause

  • Make a one-time donation to contribute directly to our fundraising target of $300,000 by December 31st, or join our Global Good Guardians recurring giving program, where your consistent contributions can create a lasting impact!

2.  Share, Follow, Engage

  • Forward our emails, follow us on social @globalgoodfund, and use #ThreadsofChange to extend our reach to like-minded individuals who can contribute to our mission. Stay informed with progress updates, actively engage in discussions, and play a vital role in increasing awareness and expanding our collective impact.

3.  Attend Our Virtual Panels

  • RSVP now for our panel discussion on Thursday, 2/22 at 11:00 a.m. ET, where we will discuss The Black Entrepreneur Experience. Your active participation, questions, and engagement will contribute to the dialogue surrounding breaking barriers and positive change through entrepreneurship.


Join us on this journey where every thread counts, and together, we weave a tapestry of global impact!