Posted by globalgoodfund on Feb 17, 2017

Dear Friends,

Did you knowthat every summer students lose as much as 2.5 to 3.5 months of what they learned the year before?

Commonly referred to as the “summer slide,” this effect disproportionately affects children living in low-income neighborhoods.

Join us April 2017 at the 5th Annual Global Good Fund Summit where we will honor Karim Abouelnaga, his company Practice Makes Perfect, and its mission to eradicate the academic achievement gap in the United States

Fellow:Karim Abouelnaga

Company:Practice Makes Perfect

Country: United States

Problem to Solve: Provide high-quality academic summer programming to eradicate the academic achievement gap.

Karim Abouelnaga and his company Practice Makes Perfect are providing a unique full-service summer school experience. The company matches elementary and middle school scholars with older, high achieving near-peer mentors from their same community, resulting in an academic environment where students show up and are excited to learn.

Through this model Karim and Price Makes Perfect are proving that, “demography does not dictate your destiny.”

“2016 was a great year for me and Practice Makes Perfect because we tried new things, faced challenges head on and took smart risks. This combination increased our impact by almost 400%; we served over 1,000 childrenduring summer 2016.”

In 2016 Karim spent a great deal of time investing in himself and the people around him noting that his two best friends, six siblings, mentors and Practice Makes Perfect leadership team have been his rock. 

“There’s no way I could be successful in this line of work without an incredible support system.”

He went on to tell us that, “my Global Good Fund mentor empowered me to prioritize exercises that evaluated my values, consolidated my priorities, and detailed my ambitions. As a result, I feel more whole.”

Join us at the 5th Annual Global Good Fund Summit to recognize Karim Abouelnaga and his company Practice Makes Perfect. 

“This work is very personal for me.I nearly fell victim to the achievement gap, and genuinely believe it’s my responsibility to ensure as many people as possible have my same opportunities.”

The Global Good Fund fellowship program contributed to the personal and professional development of Karim Abouelnaga.  His work is positively changing the world. Join us at the 5th Annual Global Good Fund Summit to recognize Karim Abouelnaga and his Company Practice Makes Perfect.