Exponential Impact

Imagine a world where visionary leaders tackle global challenges head-on, transforming lives, communities, and entire societies. That world is within reach, but we need your support to make it a reality.

In the 2023 cohorts of our Fellowship and Leap programs at The Global Good Fund, over 3,100 passionate and driven applicants vied for just over 20 coveted spots. These exceptional individuals are brimming with groundbreaking ideas that can reshape our world for the better.

We stand at a pivotal moment, poised to catalyze the next generation of social impact leaders. They look to us with hope, counting on our collective resources to help them amplify their life-changing initiatives. The potential for lasting positive change is immense, and time is of the essence.


The power of unity is an undeniable force, driving transformative change and creating a brighter future for generations to come. As the seasons change, we embark on an inspiring journey with our end-of-year fundraising campaign: “All In for a Brighter Future.” The essence of this campaign is that when we work together with unwavering dedication and passion, we make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities alike. Together we can create a lasting impact and build the foundation for a brighter future – one we can all be proud to leave for the generations yet to come.


Since 2012, GGF’s nonprofit programs have supported hundreds of innovators across 40+ countries, creating 3,216 full-time jobs in their Fellowship year alone, impacting the lives of more than 10 million people. How do we do it?


  • The Fellowship: A year-long, hybrid personalized leadership program with a multi-day training and networking summit
  • The Leap Program: A six-month, fully virtual cohort experience focused on leadership development
  • Alumni Impact Network: 200+ alumni benefit from free attendance at the annual training and networking summit, along with individualized support throughout the year to help tackle leadership challenges.
  • Broader Educational Programming: Hundreds of attendees engage in virtual discussions on topics such as economic mobility, financial inclusion, health equity, environmental sustainability, and access to high-quality education.


The Global Good Fund had more than 3,100 applicants for just over 20 spots in the 2023 cohorts of our flagship Fellowship and Leap programs. The next generation of social impact leaders is relying on us collectively to help them scale their world-changing ideas. Our team is ready, and we simply can’t do it without you.




The Global Good Fund believes in limitless human potential. Bold ideas, brilliant leaders and a world of opportunity. When we join forces to find and foster the leadership of young social leaders, there is no limit to the positive change we can create, the lives we can touch and the society we can create for the next generation. Since 2012, The Global Good Fund has supported more than 200 entrepreneurs across 40 countries, creating 3,000+ permanent jobs impacting the lives of over 10 million people, and we’re just getting started.