Global Good Consulting has merged with Amani Institute! << LEARN MORE >>

Global Good x Amani works with teams and leaders who understand that businesses and organizations have multiple bottom lines. Together we advance inclusive leadership, business growth, and social impact to create a brighter future for all. We leverage our expertise as a nonprofit social impact accelerator to help clients ensure their people, programs, and investments are growing strategically and in tandem with the needs of the communities they serve. Clients have a partner throughout the project lifecycle: ideation, design, and delivery — and we also bake in measurement and evaluation from the outset, keeping us accountable for results. Proceeds are, in turn, used to fund our nonprofit programs.

Our Record of Impact

  • +  Nearly 25 years of combined experience
  • +  350 clients across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central, and South America
  • +  Trained approximately 13,000 social impact professionals across more than 70 countries
  • +  Facilitation of more than 500 multi-day, in-person leadership and organizational development programs
  • +  Work featured in CNBC Africa, Fast Company, Forbes, International Business Times, Stanford Social Innovation Review, USA Today, and Vanity Fair
“My business coach has been such a gift to me. She has helped me focus and find where to go next in growing my business. I know that I would not be in the strong place I am today had this program and Molly not come along when they both did. Thank you.”
Participant in a small business coaching program 

Clients who trust Global Good x Amani

Through Global Good x Amani, clients have access to the people, resources, and knowledge needed to yield even greater results for their business or organization and the individuals they serve. Let’s discuss your vision and craft concrete goals for working together — and then put our plan into action and create more global good.